Events Calendar

  • PAGAN HOLY DAYS: Fall Equinox (Sept 22), Samhain (Oct 31), Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) -- all celebrated at OLHA
  • HOWL, women's poetry evening, third Sunday at Nightbird Books, S. School St. in Fayetteville


Sappho Sez ... an advice column for the clueless

I have a question for you. What do you think of memoir writing? Should us women write our memoirs or are there more worthwhile activities for our leisure time?
A Reader in the City

Dear Reader,
Women who feel strongly that their memoirs should be written can visit the story circle website at
for a wealth of information and ideas on memoir writing.

Dear Sappho,
My partner wants to retire but I’m not ready yet. What would be a good “second” career that is less stressful for my partner? She teaches junior high kids in a difficult school now.
Gray She-Cat

Dear Gray She-Cat,
Is your partner ready for a second career? Should she put off her dream to retire because you’re not ready? Do you believe her purpose in life is to accommodate you? If your partner, whom I’ve never met and know nothing about, except that “she teaches junior high kids in a difficult school,” wants to find her passion in life, she could try reading and following the protocol in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I know some women who swear by it.

To: Sappho,
I love the outdoors and gardening and my pets and I want to go organic, but I can’t stand fleas in my house and ticks everywhere (there are many ticks where I live). And I’m afraid of tick-borne disease. My lover says I shouldn’t kill other living things but shouldn’t I defend my life? I could die of spotted tick fever.

Dear M.M.,
You’ll have to decide your own philosophy of life regarding killing insects. I can’t help you with that. I did an Internet search for “organic flea remedy” and got 699,000 results. Many of the products were proclaimed to be effective against ticks, as well, and safe to use around children and pets. If you have access to a computer and the Internet you can research the products at your leisure.

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