Events Calendar

  • PAGAN HOLY DAYS: Fall Equinox (Sept 22), Samhain (Oct 31), Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) -- all celebrated at OLHA
  • HOWL, women's poetry evening, third Sunday at Nightbird Books, S. School St. in Fayetteville


December -- Spiritual...

Spiritual Findings

Reaching for the Light by Esyule
(December 2007)

As the chill and darkness of the season settle in, there often comes the desire to hole up and sleep, both literally and metaphorically. In this dark time, I issue the call to reach in and embrace our inner spark, our inner light, and fan the fire, so to speak. As humans, we can get largely mental about the process of understanding ourselves in the scheme of life, but this is a perfect time to get basic. We are all united in spark and radiance. Enlightenment simply means being in the Light, the place that exudes all wisdom, all connectedness, all love. External light is a reflection of our very own inner glow; the degree with which it shines is the only variance. To strive for the light is a quest for enlightenment, inner peace, happiness and unity with the Greater Light. When you light your candles, string up strands of electric lights or kindle solstice fires, welcome back your own flame and look for ways to feed the fire that will then extend itself to illuminating the world. Practice loving acts of kindness. These seemingly small “twigs” of events are the fuel that feeds not only the fires of others, but our very own central flame. When we think of giving gifts this holiday season, reach deep and give that which is precious to us and joyfully received by others.
Remember we are all bits of star matter dancing in the universe, the world orbits our own inner selves, and we in turn orbit others. Reach for the light this season and see what grows from it.

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